A product of Missouri, Stan Johnson is a precocious young boy, whose parents live vicariously through his achievements. His father sees his son as a future version of Stan Musial, the legendary baseball player. His mother sees her boy as a future version of Stanley Babin, the great pianist and composer. However, their son is neither of these exceptional individuals. He is Stan Johnson, his own unique person, who excels at whatever he sets his mind to. To please his parents, he sets his mind on their obsessions, piano and baseball, and achieves statewide acclaim in both. Stan's skills are only surpassed by his character, as he bridges the gap, amongst his classmates, between the athlete and the artist. He is friend and role model to both groups. At twelve-years-old, the boy's sights are set on statewide championship competitions in both endeavors. All who know him, expect the inevitable results from what would be the greatest summer of his life. Then, the unthinkable happens...
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