Most computers today support binary floating-point in hardware. While suitable for many purposes, it should not be used for financial, commercial and user-centric applications or web services because the decimal data used in these applications cannot be represented exactly using binary floating-point. The problems of binary floating-point can be avoided by using base 10 (decimal) exponents and preserving those exponents where possible. The design performs addition and subtraction on 64-bit operands in a single path adder with exception handling fulfilling the released standard and it can easily be extended to also support operations on 128-bit decimal floating-point numbers. The overall performance of the decimal adder was compared from the point of view of area and speed for the same FPGA families. We synthesized the design for two families of Xilinx, Spartan II and Vertix II. Complete test and verification is performed on all the design versions fulfilling 3063 test vectors supplied by IBM Corp. and supporting 7 rounding modes (5 stated by the standard and 2 proposed by IBM) with exception handling for overflow, inexact and invalid operations.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.