To manage the supply of raw materials in a holistic manner it is obvious that raising technology based intensively managed plantations on degraded wastelands, uncultivated farmlands, farm bunds and other lands are the only way to meet the demand of wood based industries. Studies concluded that soaking the seeds in water for three days interrupted with the leaching (changing) at 24h interval enhanced the germination of seed to the maximum of 51 per cent. The production of higher recovery of plantable seedlings revealed that 50 g m-2 produced higher number of seedlings. With respect to Integrated nutrient management, Integration of 150 mg of N, 200 mg of P2O5 and 100 mg of K2O kg-1 of soil along with vermicompost enhanced the various growth and soil nutrients except physico chemical properties of the soil. Analysis on the economics of the INM treated seedlings revealed the basic cost of production worked out to Rs. 1634 for 1000 seedlings.The maintenance cost was reduced by Rs. 304and nursery period was reduced by 48 days.