Be Your Own Boss and Sell Your Expertise Did you ever think you might be able to make money leading seminars to teach others what you know? Or promoting a dynamic speaker who motivates the crowds? Many people pay top dollar to attend seminars that teach them how to do something faster, better, more easily or more profitably-which gives you a great opportunity for profit. This hands-on guide, completely updated with the latest trends and newest information, details how to plan seminars, webinars, and teleseminars for yourself or someone else from start to finish. Learn how to: * Negotiate for great deals on halls, hotels and conference rooms * Promote a business with almost no cash investment * Use ingenious PR tactics that will draw attendees-and profits-like a magnet * Test-market your subject matter before spending a dime * Develop and sell CDs, books and other profitable materials People who promote and produce seminars are making huge profits-and so can you! Get in on the action in this booming field today.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.