You've got a brilliant business idea for a product or service. To move your idea from concept to reality, you need to acquire capital and start your own enterprise. There's just one problem-you don't know how to do that. You could pursue a college degree in entrepreneurship, but time is money, and before you graduate, your competitors could be profiting from your idea. You'll get quicker results by reading Start Your Startup Right, a comprehensive guide to commercializing your business idea. Author and award-winning entrepreneur Gregory M. Coticchia, MBA, PC, brings over thirty years of experience to bear on the startup process. You'll discover practical examples of what you should-and should not-do to get your new enterprise off the ground. You'll also master business- and product-marketing strategies and learn the eight steps needed to attract customers and make sales. Along the way, you'll read real-life examples illustrating the challenges and pitfalls of entrepreneurship. Even if you've never taken a single business course, Start Your Startup Right will give you all the information you need to confidently launch your company and see your dreams transformed into a commercialized product, service, or business.
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