This book entitled Statistical Analysis of Educational Scenario in Tripura: A Case Study is an essential besides reference for all enthusiasts in the field of educational statistics. The text has been organized into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of the research problem. It provides a background of Tripura a tiny state of north-east India. Data source and review of literature is also briefly described here. It contains some mathematical tools and software techniques. Chapter ends with the contents of the book. The second chapter contains real life data analysis by pie-diagram. Method of Correspondence Analysis is also incorporated in third chapter. Whereas chapter four has binary logistic regression analysis for the same set of real life data by SPSS. The last chapter i.e., chapter five contain conclusion and future scope of study. Adequate care has been taken to review the chapters thoroughly and several interesting observations have been made through the application of various statistical methods on this book. It is hoped that this book will open possibilities of new directions of study.