Stay in Your Lane by Elle F. Sun is the first in an interconnected, standalone series that follows the lives of four students that attend and graduated from Everson University, which is nestled into the fictitious small town of Everson Valley, North Carolina. This story is a swimming sports romance following the life of Harlow Sutherland, female collegiate swimmer, who finds herself injured and having to rehab her shoulder at the college campus rec center. She meets Shep Fords, who is a lifeguard, and begins to form an unexpected alliance with him regarding her recovery and also her own healing. This is an emotional read about navigating the struggles of life, while discovering what it means to find what you deserve and how to accept the help you need. Sensitive topics such as abuse in all forms, death, grief, and loss, violence and assault, explicit language, sexual content, therapy and mental health, and PTSD, are discussed within this novel.
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