This study involved an examination of the evangelistic exposition of Stephen F. Olford in order to develop an evangelistic exposition model. Homiletical works and Olford s homiletical theory, selected sermons, style, and delivery were examined for the prevailing views and model of evangelistic expository preaching. Through the careful study of the text, Olford acquires the foundational elements such as subject, motivating thrust, sense of objective, and title. Olford s homiletical theory and practice show that the formal elements, such as arrangement, introduction, conclusion, and invitation, are the crucial aspects of effective evangelistic exposition. Olford suggests the use of a simple, sequential sermon structure. In his sermon introduction, Olford introduces the subject and burden of the message. The conclusion is used to clarify the declared truth, and Olford invites his listeners to the declared truth. Olford explains textual truth through the methods of cross-reference, exegetical findings, rhetorical devices, and quotations. For Olford, the most important reasoning is the authority of the Bible.