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Do You Want To End Panic Attacks And Regain Control Of Your Life? This Book Will Show You How! If you've ever had a panic attack, you know how it feels. The sudden crippling terror, the dizziness, the terrifying chest pain. That feeling is unmistakable - and you don't want to experience it ever again. Even thinking about having another panic attack makes you feel anxious - and that anxiety pushes you further into a downward spiral of fear and worry. You start avoiding potential triggers, but the attacks still come out of nowhere... What's happening? Do you have panic disorder? Can you die of a…mehr

Do You Want To End Panic Attacks And Regain Control Of Your Life? This Book Will Show You How! If you've ever had a panic attack, you know how it feels. The sudden crippling terror, the dizziness, the terrifying chest pain. That feeling is unmistakable - and you don't want to experience it ever again. Even thinking about having another panic attack makes you feel anxious - and that anxiety pushes you further into a downward spiral of fear and worry. You start avoiding potential triggers, but the attacks still come out of nowhere... What's happening? Do you have panic disorder? Can you die of a panic attack? Are there good treatment options? If you want to manage your panic attacks, continue reading! First of all: you're not alone. Around 11% of the American population will experience a panic attack at least once in any given year. Panic attacks are a common symptom of panic disorder, but they can also be caused by anxiety, OCD, phobias and a variety of other conditions. You can't die of a panic attack, but recurring attacks can seriously undermine your well-being and mental health. They can even derail your career or cause relationship problems if your loved ones don't understand your condition and think you're just making things up to get more attention. This is why it's important to take action now, before panic attacks cause serious damage to your life and work. Anxiety coach Derick Howell will show you therapist-approved techniques that will help you end panic attacks and regain your peace of mind. His empowering book will show you the way towards a calm, mindful life that's free of debilitating panic. Here's a sneak peek of what you'll find in this book:Little-known facts that will CHANGE the way you think about panic attacks Tips on managing the underlying CAUSES of your panic attacks A complete guide to recognizing and managing your TRIGGERS Simple lifestyle hacks that will help you PREVENT panic attacks in the future Relaxation techniques that bring INSTANT relief during a panic attack An overview of proven treatment OPTIONS that include medication and therapy And much more! Panic attacks can be so overwhelming that the very idea of managing them with simple techniques may sound too good to be true. However, they really work! Very often, a short exercise is all you need to stop a panic attack in its tracks, and a few simple life hacks can greatly reduce the chance of another attack. Right now, you have a unique chance to say goodbye to debilitating panic attacks and finally live your life to the fullest. Get this book, follow the tips and strategies you'll find inside, and enjoy your newly-found peace of mind! Don't let panic control your life.Scroll up, click the "Buy Now with 1-Click" button and Get Your Copy Now!
Derick Howell ist publizierter Autor, internationaler Trainer und Referent zu Themen im Zusammenhang mit Angst, Panikattacken, negativem Denken und Stressbewältigung. Er bietet Coachings und Beratungen für den Umgang mit Ängsten und Störungen an. Derick ist Trainer anderer Coaches und ein gefragter und durchweg hochrangiger Referent für Seminare. Er ist bekannt für seinen dynamischen Sprachstil und seinen einnehmenden Inhalt. Derick litt früher schrecklich unter Angstzuständen, Panikattacken und chronischem Stress. Durch rigoroses Studium und vielen Erfahrungen hat er herausgefunden, was wirklich gegen Angst und Stress dauerhaft hilft. Heute bietet Derick Howell Unternehmern, Studenten, Führungskräften, Vertrieblern und anderen Personen persönliches, individuelles Coaching gegen Angst, Sorgen, soziale Ängste, Stress und Panik an. Er bringt Menschen bei, wie sie mit Empathie auf andere Menschen zugehen können. Für Derick ist Einfühlungsvermögen nicht nur ein Schlagwort. Derick sieht Angst und Stress als eine Störung an, die jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens durchdringen kann. Daher hat er Techniken entwickelt, die Ihnen helfen werden, das Leben nicht nur zu bewältigen, sondern es auch mit einer positiven Einstellung zu genießen und das Leben mit Humor zu sehen, während sie sich in Selbstmitgefühl, Selbstliebe, Dankbarkeit und Achtsamkeit üben. In seiner Freizeit tankt Derick am liebsten auf, indem er ein paar Runden im Pool schwimmt. Er genießt es, Menschen auf Seminaren und auf Reisen zu treffen und mit ihnen Ideen auszutauschen. Er liebt es auch, Zeit mit seinem Hund Wally zu verbringen.