?Strategic International Management? takes a global perspective and covers the major aspects of international business strategies, the coordination of international companies and the particularities of international value chain activities and management functions. The book provides a thorough understanding of how Production & Sourcing, Research & Development, Marketing, Human Resource Management and Controlling have to be designed in an international company and what models are available to understand those activities in an international context.
The book offers 20 lessons that provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues. Each lesson is accompanied by a case study from an international company to facilitate the understanding of all important factors involved in strategic international management.
The book offers 20 lessons that provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues. Each lesson is accompanied by a case study from an international company to facilitate the understanding of all important factors involved in strategic international management.
"[...] das Lehrbuch [ist] in der vorliegenden Form sehr empfehlenswert. Es eignet sich hervorragend als Ergänzung zu einem gesamthaften Lehrbuch oder als Basisliteratur für eine Vertiefung in höheren Bachelor-Semestern bzw. einem entsprechenden Master-Studiengang." -- Die Unternehmung, 2-2010