Dieser Band dokumentiert die Ergebnisse der Erfahrungsaustausche zur Bekämpfung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit von 15 Experten aus 12 Staaten, welche Projekte, Lösungsansätze und Strategien gegen die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit mit dem Ziel vorstellten, nach "best practices" zu suchen. In den drei Abschnitten zur Arbeitsmarktpolitik, zur Bildungspolitik und zur Rolle des Dritten Sektors stellen Experten aus verschiedenen Wissensbereichen (z.B. Ökonomie, Politik, Soziologie und Pädagogik), unterschiedlichen Tätigkeitsfeldern (Projektträger, Jugendvertreter, Bildungsinstitutionen, Regierung und regierungsnahe Institutionen, Universitäten) und drei verschiedenen Kontinenten ihre Projekte, Ideen und Ergebnisse vor. Es ergibt sich eine Fülle von Anregungen und innovativen Ansätzen, mit denen auch in Deutschland (und anderen Ländern) die Maßnahmen gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit bereichert werden können.
This volume documents the results of an exchange of experiences in combating youth unemployment on the part of 15 experts from 12 states, who present here their projects, solutions and strategies against youth unemployment with the aim of identifying best practices. In the three sections on labour market policy, educational policy and the role of the tertiary sector, experts from various disciplines (such as economics, politics, sociology and education), different fields of activity (project sponsors, youth representatives, educational institutions, government and government-related institutions, universities) and three different continents introduce their projects, ideas and conclusions. The result is a wealth of ideas and innovative approaches from which measures against youth unemployment in Germany (and other countries) will surely benefit.
This volume documents the results of an exchange of experiences in combating youth unemployment on the part of 15 experts from 12 states, who present here their projects, solutions and strategies against youth unemployment with the aim of identifying best practices. In the three sections on labour market policy, educational policy and the role of the tertiary sector, experts from various disciplines (such as economics, politics, sociology and education), different fields of activity (project sponsors, youth representatives, educational institutions, government and government-related institutions, universities) and three different continents introduce their projects, ideas and conclusions. The result is a wealth of ideas and innovative approaches from which measures against youth unemployment in Germany (and other countries) will surely benefit.