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Primarily known as opera composer, Donizetti is also the most important Italian representative of the string quartet genre. Whereas the first quartets can be regarded as experiments of the young composer with a strict classical form, the middle and later pieces are unmistakable expressions of a mature musical mind. The string quartets Nos. 7-12 make up the second of three volumes - quartets Nos. 13-18 are already published in ETP 1425. The editions are based on the autograph sources and for the first time represent the complete, critically edited musical text. Instrumentation: 2 violins, viola…mehr

Primarily known as opera composer, Donizetti is also the most important Italian representative of the string quartet genre. Whereas the first quartets can be regarded as experiments of the young composer with a strict classical form, the middle and later pieces are unmistakable expressions of a mature musical mind. The string quartets Nos. 7-12 make up the second of three volumes - quartets Nos. 13-18 are already published in ETP 1425. The editions are based on the autograph sources and for the first time represent the complete, critically edited musical text. Instrumentation: 2 violins, viola and cello
Vorrangig berühmt als Opernkomponist, ist Donizetti doch auch der bedeutendste italienische Vertreter der Gattung Streichquartett. Können die ersten Quartette noch als Experimente des jungen Komponisten mit einer strengen klassischen Form gelten, sind die mittleren und späteren Stücke der unverwechselbare Ausdruck des reifen musikalischen Geistes. Die Streichquartette 7-12 bilden den zweiten von drei Bänden - bereits erschienen sind die Quartette Nr. 13-18, ETP 1425; die Ausgaben basieren auf den autographen Quellen und geben erstmals einen vollständigen, kritisch edierten Notentext wider.