This book interprets the concepts of stroke and the Balkans localities. The first five years of the prevention of CVD program in Novi Sad (1975-1979, CCCCP) proved the feasibility of a project well planned combining research and practical intervention. It emphasizes the promotion of CVD diagnosis and therapy, of early detection and treatment of the diseased and those at risk, as well as of long-term preventive measures aimed at improving lifestyles. At the Collaborating Center of the WHO MONICA project in Novi Sad, the research results of Stroke epidemiology during the period 1983 -1992 y. were successful, but the results of Stroke epidemiology later show that with the war in the neighboring countries, decrease of general life standard of population, and economic sanctions imposed by United Nations, this beneficial trend has reversed and rates have increased continually, especially after the NATO alliance aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999. The results of the WHO MONICA project in Novi Sad are undergoing the final analyses and tests of hypotheses, and they are published in the most reputable world medical journals.