This research presents the structural response of an internally pressurized and regolith covered frame-membrane design. The structure is subjected to impact and thermal loading and incorporates the effects of added mass due to regolith cover and the stress stiffening from internal pressurization. The impact loading is analytically determined considering a moving projectile hitting the midpoint of a frame member. Results from static, frequency and dynamic nonlinear finite element analyses are presented. Frequency is affected by external temperature, internal pressurization and added regolith mass. Increasing external temperature increases the natural frequencies and decreasing temperature decreases the frequencies. Internal pressure increases frequencies slightly and the regolith mass drastically reduces frequency. Static analyses show the external temperature and the internal pressurization have a large effect on displacements and stresses. Dynamic results due to impact load showthat extreme lunar temperatures reduce dynamic amplitude. Internal pressurization has little effect on dynamic amplitude and oscillation. Regolith mass reduces oscillation amplitude and increases period.