A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of bio-fertilizers and foliar spray of urea on yield and quality of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) during 2007-08 at the R.A.K. College of Agriculture, Sehore,M.P.,India under the microbiology discipline of AICRP on Chickpea. The experiment was laid out in a RBD with 4 replications and 7 treatments in Vertisol low in available N, medium in P and high in K with pH 7.8. Various growth and yield attributing characters to support seed and straw yield, N and P uptake by crop and also N, P, K balance in soil after harvest of crop were studied. It is concluded from the study that the treatments 20 kg N/ ha + Rhizobium + PSB + PGPR, Rhizobium + PSB + PGPR+2 % urea spray and 20 kg N/ ha + Rhizobium + PSB + PGPR + 2 % urea spray were at par on statistical basis but on the basis of economics- application of 20 kg N/ ha + Rhizobium + PSB + PGPR + 2% urea spray(at flowering & 10 days thereafter) proved favorable in enhancing the growth and yield attributing characters, seed and straw yield, N and P uptake, crude protein in seed, N balance in soil and producing the highest net return in the chickpea cultivation under rain fed conditions.