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The Berlin Wall collapses and the surprising freedom brings very good business, love and bad investments.John has to travel to the ex-communist part of Germany to close big deals. He falls in love with an amazing woman. A quick decision, based on feelings and tax savings, changes his life.The true story of John shows us that we cannot burn our past, but we can receive healing and start over again. This is very important, especially at a time of new walls, like the Wall of Fear.The fall of the Berlin Wall and the exciting story of John prove that there is always a way out.

The Berlin Wall collapses and the surprising freedom brings very good business, love and bad investments.John has to travel to the ex-communist part of Germany to close big deals. He falls in love with an amazing woman. A quick decision, based on feelings and tax savings, changes his life.The true story of John shows us that we cannot burn our past, but we can receive healing and start over again. This is very important, especially at a time of new walls, like the Wall of Fear.The fall of the Berlin Wall and the exciting story of John prove that there is always a way out.
Several years of studying and working in the financial sectorhave prepared the author for a good position in an international investment company. His first publications started in magazinesfor tax advisors and investors. A life changing experience delivered the story for his first book.He got the right strategy to escape from an investigation prisonby not accepting the loss of freedom because of a small and insignificant financial case. He went to Panamá to receive his money for his already sold apartment. Another surprise awaited him there. A prayer formed the beginning of a new spiritual life,which he put into practice in South America.In Argentina, the author was able to realize his original professional goal of being a sports and English teacher. For some years he worked as a volunteer for evangelical ministries, as well as for a home of abused children and for a public school.His financial case was closed and new doors opened in teaching and writing in Germany. The author´s p

assion for history and the research for the content of his books continue to ensure numerous trips. So, he stayed in Berlin and Bautzen for a few weeks to see the places where John´s story happened. And he travelled to South America to learn more about the Wall of Fear. Freedom and truth are the most important values in his life.