Discover the heartwarming story of "Super Max's Hero Surprise," about a military child's love knows no distance, even during deployment. Deployment: any movement of military personnel from home station to locations outside the continental U.S. and its territories. During a regular class assembly, Max feels some strong "Super Max" vibes. A special visitor has arrived, and all eyes are on Max. Why is everyone looking at her, and who is the special visitor? Is it a brother, cousin, uncle, or father? Join Max in discovering the surprise visitor setting off her "Super Max" vibes. Written in rhyme, "Super Max's Hero Surprise" captures the strength of family bonds, the emotions of living through deployment separation, and the joy of re-connection. It takes readers on a moving adventure that highlights the resilience and love within military families. Perfect for Military Families and Educators: This book is an essential read for military families and educators, offering an engaging way to discuss the challenges of deployment and the power of family love and support. Follow Max on her heartfelt journey and experience the emotional rollercoaster of deployment and reunion. Included: Resources for military families preparing for and experiencing deployment. Ages: 7 to 11, grades 2 to 5
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