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  • Gebundenes Buch

The supplement includes a short history of the project, a discussion of methodology and sources, together with a full list of the abbreviations and sources in the 8 volumes of the Lexicon.

The supplement includes a short history of the project, a discussion of methodology and sources, together with a full list of the abbreviations and sources in the 8 volumes of the Lexicon.
Olga Weijers, DPhil (1976), Leiden University has been an editor of Lexicon Latinitatis Nederlandicae Medii Aevi since 1975. She was founder of Comité International du Vocabulaire des Institutions et de la Communication Intellectuelle au Moyen Age (CIVICIMA) and of the series Etudes sur le vocabulaire intellectuel du moyen âge and Studia Artistarum. Etudes sur la Faculté des arts dans les Universités médiévales. Her research deals with the organisation and activities of the Arts Faculty of the medieval University of Paris. Her publications include: Le travail intellectuel à la Faculté des arts de Paris: textes et maîtres (ca. 1200-1500), I. A-B, (Turnhout 1994); La 'disputatio' à la Faculté des arts de Paris (1200-1350 environ), (Turnhout 1995); Le maniement du savoir. Pratiques intellectuelles à l'époque des premières universités, (Turnhout, 1996) and La disputatio dans les Facultés des arts au moyen âge, (Turnhout, 2002). Marijke Gumbert-Hepp, DPhil. (1987), University of Utrecht has been an editor of Lexicon Latinitatis Nederlandicae Medii Aevi since 1973. Her research has focused on the early 14th c. Dutch annalist and hagiographer, William, procurator of the abbey of Egmond. Her publications include: Kroniek: Editie en vertaling van het Chronicon van Willelmus Procurator, (Met medewerking van J.P. Gumbert. Hilversum 2001).