Long considered a marginal issue, return migration is now at the heart of international relations studies. The objective of our research is to analyze the contribution of the GIZ/CIM Migration for Development Program (MDP) in supporting the return and reintegration of migrants in Cameroon. It is clear that, despite its financial and technical support, the PMD's contribution remains insufficient given its relatively low level of deployment and its insignificant impact on the reintegration of migrants in Cameroon. In addition, some endogenous and exogenous constraints limit the action and participation of this German mechanism. Finally, in order to better manage this geopolitical issue, a mechanism for raising awareness and coordinating the actors involved in this field of public action should be put in place. We also suggest a reform of the migration policy, a reinforcement of institutional capacities, an improvement of the legal-administrative and economic environment in order tofavor a greater involvement of the diaspora in Cameroon in the perspective of co-development.