Chapter 1 Support services: growth and development
Robin Attfield
Mike Blamires
Peter Gray
John Moore; Chapter 2 Asking the right questions: a development model
Mike Blamires
John Moore; Chapter 3 Additional support: improving inclusive practice in mainstream schools
Robin Attfield; Chapter 4 Social inclusion: supporting schools to help themselves
Gill Henderson; Chapter 5 Interagency working: supporting school refusers
Christine Salter; Chapter 6 Interagency working: the education of young people in public care
Marion Russell; Chapter 7 Supporting transition: preschool setting into first placement
Ann Butt
Claire Cosser; Chapter 8 Supporting transition: from primary to secondary school
Gill Dixon
Naresh Gahir; Chapter 9 New technology: services for children out of school
David Teece
Kevin Mulryne; Chapter 10 Local learning groups and clusters: the potential of working in an integrated team with groups of schools
Linda Samson
Maggie Stephenson; Chapter 11 Becoming a business unit: a road to Nirvana or disaster?
David Prior; Chapter 12 The impact of funding
Peter Gray; Chapter 13 Best value: evaluating support service effectiveness
Rob Skelton; Chapter 14 Issues for the future
Mike Blamires
John Moore;