An Invocation to Unite the world ... That despite differences demarcated by human made maps, we all are one by virtue of the characteristics set by nature herself. Blood may be thicker than water but it doesn't serve a drink. Hugely time-tested, there are other sides to the running red which aren't always easy to endure. A widely read academic may not necessarily hold the torch of wisdom unless complemented by virtues that are benign. Here's the instance of such an erudite who attempted to damage a friend's world- powered by his own sheer ignorance and ill-will. ..."Time is the wisest counselor of all" says Pericles. Seeds of racism were sowed long back and we are writhing with the dangers of its cruel thorns. Despite the scars, will a racist world ever welcome change? The Book is aimed at stimulating every thinking mind which is- brave enough to unfold that the glorious potential of Love could never mean cliché, intellectually keen toward obtaining a much needed higher order of peace, brave and resolute to achieve the hard earned paradise.
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