Robert B. Gibson is professor of environment and resource studies at the University of Waterloo in Ontario and Editorial Board Chair of Alternatives Journal. Selma Hassan is an urban planner and landscape architect with the City of Ottawa. Susan Holtz is an environment and energy policy consultant based in Toronto. James Tansey is a research associate at the Sustainable Development Research Initiative, University of British Columbia. Graham Whitelaw is a doctoral candidate in the School of Planning, University of Waterloo.
Beginnings: Stumbling Towards Sustainability Assessment. Assessment:
Thirty-some Years of Environmental Assessment. Sustainability: The
Essentials of the Concept. Practice: Sustainability in Illustrative
Initiatives. Criteria: Sustainability Requirements as the Basis for
Decision Making. Trade-offs: Facing Conflict and Compromise. Processes:
Designing Sustainability Assessment Regimes. Decisions: Applying
Sustainability-based Criteria in Significance Determinations and Other
Common Assessment Judgements. Continuations: The Way Ahead . Index.