The studies in this manuscript were aimed to find out the reasons of unfruitfulness in Blood Red sweet orange and improve their production and quality. Different chemicals: fungicides as soil drenching, plant growth regulators, plant nutrients and polyamines as exogenous application were used in low yielding Blood Red sweet orange trees. Soil drenching of fungicides gave no significant differences in most of the attributes, probably too short period for tangible results. Application of a wide range of concentrations of plant growth regulators (GA3 and 2, 4-D) and Polyamines, significantly improved the longevity of overwintering citrus leaves with improvement in fruit quality.. Foliar application of low-biuret urea (LBU) during winter significantly raised the level of NH4, triggered the leaf retention and resultantly fruit production and quality was improved. The study concluded that it is possible to improve their production and quality of fruit in Pakistan for successful induction in citrus plantation.