The Book entitled "SYNTHESIS OF Z- ARYL OXIMES AND ITS NON AQUEOUSBECKMANN REARRANGEMENT " describes the synthesis of a series of compounds such as Z-aryl aldoximes . Literature survey of the above compounds revealed that compounds are associated with various pharmacological and biological properties and thus find importance in medicine. Taking these facts into consideration it was thought worthwhile to synthesize a series of such compound. In present years Oximes have received significant attention owing to their diverse range of biological properties and sweetening agent properties. Oximes also have wide variety of applications in different areas. Oximes showed marked biological activities such as antibacterial, antimicrobial, antidote for phosphorus poisoning and sweetening agent properties. In recent designation of environmentally benign reaction is an important goal in organic synthesis. Day by day hazardous chemicals and by products of various reaction increase the pollution in environment. Keeping in view to avoided hazardous chemicals and solvents in reaction, different techniques has been used to accelerate wide variety of organic transfor