In a world ruled by forbidden magic and unspeakable desires, the ancient TABÃ serves as a prison for humanity's darkest impulses. Hidden deep beneath the surface of the earth, this mysterious realm houses the incarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins-living, breathing entities whose power grows stronger with every indulgence of human weakness. When Alina, an orphan with a shadowed past, accidentally uncovers the gateway to TABÃ, her life changes forever. Marked by a mysterious sigil, she discovers that her bloodline is tied to a centuries-old prophecy: one that foretells the release of the Sins and the end of the mortal world. Forced into an uneasy alliance with Kade, a rogue warrior cursed with wrathful rage, and Elyse, a cunning scholar tempted by forbidden knowledge, Alina must journey into the depths of TABÃ to confront each Sin and unravel the truth of her destiny. But as the lines blur between good and evil, Alina finds herself drawn to the power and allure of the Sins themselves, risking not only her soul but the fate of the world. TABÃ: Seven Deadly Sins is a dark fantasy epic filled with moral complexity, breathtaking magic, and a battle against the forces within and beyond. Will Alina resist the temptations of TABÃ, or will she become the very thing she was destined to destroy?
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