Preface Chapter I From Separate to Active Spheres. Women in the Nineteenth Century
The Modem Nursing Movement
The Woman Suffrage Movement
Chapter II Emancipation Through Organization
The Superintendents' Society and its Impact on the Nursing Profession
The Nurses' Associated Alumnae of the United States and Canada and the Concerns of Women in the Nursing Profession
The Associated Alumnae and the Superintendents' Society Affiliate as the American Federation of Nurses
Associated Alumnae Establish the American Journal of Nursing
The National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses and the Concerns of Women of Color in the Nursing Profession
National Organization for Public Health Nursing
Professional Organizations Find Their Political Voice
Chapter III The Formative Years: Nursing and Suffrage, 1893-1910
Chapter IV The Expanding Years: Nursing Supports Suffrage, 1911-1920
First Years After the Doldrums
Nurses Support Woman Suffrage
Chapter V Taking Charge