In the war-torn nation of Almara, danger lurks far beyond the battlefield, especially for the orphans of Sentinel Solutions, a detective agency seeking stability amidst the chaos. Erika Bracher, a scarred young woman with Dissociative Identity Disorder, has endured a difficult couple of months-losing her parents, seeking refuge in an orphanage, and being thrust into danger by her boyfriend Dietrich's twin sister Ava. However, when a seemingly random murder case comes their way, Erika, her other self, the twins, and their newest member Sara, are plunged into a perilous journey unlike any they've faced before. They must confront their inner demons and uncover a sinister force gripping the city, revealing a chilling darkness lurking beneath the surface. They must fight not only for their lives but also their futures. Will Erika find the strength to fight for a future worth living, or will she lose everything she holds dear? Dive into a tale of healing, resilience, and the unwavering power of hope in Tales of Almara!
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