Tea is the second drink after water. Tea is the name given to the dried leaves of a broad-leaved evergreen plant known as Thea sinenesis (scientific name). This is the most favourite beverage not only of the aristocrats and sophisticated people but also of the common man. This is due to the fact that it possesses certain inherent qualities as a tranquillizer and mild stimulant. Tea is the plantation crop which is grown on plantations covering large estates. It is a very favourable drink in many temperate countries and in many other parts of the world. The greatest tea drinkers are the Chinese, Russians, Australians, Dutch and South Americans. Of late the tea consumption in India has also increased considerably. India is the largest producer of tea, produces about 29% of the total world output. West Bengal is the second largest growing state in India after Assam. The book concerned mainly with the Tea Plantation in West Bengal and its impact on the economy of West Bengal (India).