In the context of teaching and learning, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an important role as pedagogical support to help improve the educational structure. The aim of this work was to diagnose students' prior knowledge of botanical content. A bibliographical survey was carried out and, from this stage, photos of plant structures were obtained for making the didactic slides. At the end of making and preparing the slides, the content was divided into the following three units: I. Development and Morphology of Angiosperms, II. Plant Diversity and Reproduction and III. Physiology of Angiosperms. This led to the need to produce this book as an incentive to demonstrate that the teaching of botany can be carried out in a beneficial way, both for students through the acquisition of knowledge and for teachers through the use of the Microsoft office PowerPoint program, an easily accessible ICT, as a teaching resource in discursive classes, improving knowledge and making teaching and learning more effective.