In attempting to determine how Vocational Education and Training prepared learners for the current Labour Market, the study found its genesis. Semi-structured interviews, opinionnairs, academic records and a mailed questionnaire were the survey instruments utilised for data collection. Pertinent criteria (Dependent Variables) examined were: Time taken to obtain present job; Job Relatedness; Job Preparedness; Job Satisfaction with kind of work done, physical work environment, salary received and career opportunities; Job Stability; Academic Aspirations; Recommendations for improvement of the present job; and finally Future Area of specialisation. The action and interaction of Independent Variables as they impinged on the aforementioned Dependent Variables were carefully examined. Independent Variables included for example Age Cohort, Sex, Present Job Status, etc. Varying significant relationships were noted amongst the 35 variables. Pertinent recommendations included the integration of computer applications to the training programmes; proper nationwide recognition of the technician's role in society; and the incorporation of incentives for mastery.