Technology Computer Aided Design for Si, SiGe and GaAs Integrated Circuits is the first book that deals with a broad spectrum of process and device design, and modelling issues related to various semiconductor devices.
Technology Computer Aided Design for Si, SiGe and GaAs Integrated Circuits is the first book that deals with a broad spectrum of process and device design, and modelling issues related to various semiconductor devices.
Alastair Armstrong is Professor of Electronic Engineering in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Queen's University Belfast. He has 30 years experience in simulation and design of semiconductor devices and circuits, and has published more than 130 journal and conference papers on related topics. His most recent publications cover the modelling of different semiconductor technologies including bipolar, MOS and silicon on insulator. Over the course of his career Armstrong has acted as a consultant to several international companies. He has been awarded twelve major research grants; many as principal investigator. He is a member of the Northern Ireland Semiconductor Research Centre, currently actively researching the modelling of novel types of multiple gate MOS transistor structures for nanotechnology.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Technology and TCAD tools Chapter 3: Diffusion and oxidation of SiGe/SiGeC films Chapter 4: Strain-engineered MOSFETs Chapter 5: SOI MOSFETs Chapter 6: Heterostructure bipolar transistors Chapter 7: SiGe/SiGeC HBT technology Chapter 8: MOSFET: compact models Chapter 9: HBT: compact models Chapter 10: Design and simulation of high-speed devices Chapter 11: Passive components