The Bachelor Thesis "Teenagers as Potential Target
Group for Spas in Austria" gives the reader
information about Spas in Austria in general.
Furthermore the reader gets information about the
target group teenagers. In the thesis the needs and
wants of teenagers in Austria are mentioned as well
as how they spend their money and leisure time.
Finally the reader finds the results of a survey
that was conducted among 305 teenagers. They have
been asked about their spa behaviour and if they
would be intrested in going to a spa.
Group for Spas in Austria" gives the reader
information about Spas in Austria in general.
Furthermore the reader gets information about the
target group teenagers. In the thesis the needs and
wants of teenagers in Austria are mentioned as well
as how they spend their money and leisure time.
Finally the reader finds the results of a survey
that was conducted among 305 teenagers. They have
been asked about their spa behaviour and if they
would be intrested in going to a spa.