More bills arriving? Monthly loan repayments to make? Groceries to buy and accommodation to pay for? It can seem like you will never get control of your cash or learn the techniques to make it work for you! This book provides you with real examples of why a good budget can give you the advantage over where you are now and how you can begin to use a simple daily process to create positive change with your money. Using this Ten Minute Budget approach removes confusion and overwhelm, giving you practical techniques and useful solutions to managing your household income. Start now to spend less and live better! You will learn how to track where your money goes, select clear spending categories that bring good results and how to make your money work harder. In daily blocks of just ten minutes you can improve the flow of money into and out of your household, saving you time and energy, giving you the freedom to focus more on what you want. Use the easy to implement ideas within Ten Minute Budget to successfully meet your bills, pay down your commitments, reduce debts and direct money into savings. Ten Minute Budget can put you back in control. Start your budget today.
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