The intension of the book is to synthesize classical matrix and tensor methods with object-oriented software techniques and efficient matrix methods for numerical algorithms. The aim is to establish a coherent methodological framework through which the tensor-based modeling of physical phenomena can be seamlessly applied in numerical algorithms without encountering methodological inconsistencies across different sub-areas, like indexed notation of tensors and two- dimensional matrix algebra in symbolic notation.
The key to an effective solution lies in object-oriented numerical structures and software design. The author presents a coherent integration of tensor-based theory through multi-dimensional matrix calculus to object-oriented numeric classes and methods for adequate simulations.
The index-based tensor and matrix notation and the object-oriented overloading of standard operators in C++ offers an innovative means to define comparable matrix operations for processing matrix objects of higher order. Typical applications demonstrate the advantages of this unique integration.
The key to an effective solution lies in object-oriented numerical structures and software design. The author presents a coherent integration of tensor-based theory through multi-dimensional matrix calculus to object-oriented numeric classes and methods for adequate simulations.
The index-based tensor and matrix notation and the object-oriented overloading of standard operators in C++ offers an innovative means to define comparable matrix operations for processing matrix objects of higher order. Typical applications demonstrate the advantages of this unique integration.