V monografii issleduütsq zakonomernosti zakonodatel'nogo regulirowaniq. Analiziruq sowremennoe rossijskoe zakonodatel'stwo, awtor zadaetsq woprosom o kriteriqh konstitucionnosti zakonodatel'nyh aktow i prihodit k wywodu, chto zakonodatel'noe regulirowanie sootwetstwuet swoemu wysokomu prednaznacheniü i qwlqetsq konstitucionnoj cennost'ü, esli imeet cel' i osnowaniq, predmet, dopustimost' i predely. V rabote demonstriruütsq mnogochislennye primery dejstwiq perechislennyh zakonomernostej, daetsq ocenka rossijskogo zakonodatel'stwa, pokazywaütsq prichiny imeüschihsq nedostatkow i perspektiwy sowershenstwowaniq. The monograph examines patterns of legislative regulation. Analyzing the current Russian legislation, the author wonders about the criteria the constitutionality of legislation and concludes that legislative regulation is its high purpose and is a constitutional value, if the purpose and grounds, for validity and limits. The work shows numerous examples of named patterns, assesses the Russian legislation, and shows the causes of any shortcomings and prospects for improvement.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.