Over 20 years ago I wrote "The Forgotten Pollution" when charged aerosols were forgotten. Now even the specialists have disappeared. Climate "scientists" filled the gap propagating FEAR due to their lack of knowledge. What to do? Waking-up the electrostatic community: conferences, free access to publications and teaching texts. Changing the name: Terrestrial Electrostatics, meaning the part of the Sun's electricity received by the Earth. This separates us from the negative impact of man made generated electricity, promoted by the climate scientists and based on a mixture of proxies, models, statistics and a lack of verification through observations, measuring, laboratory tests etc. Verification is far from easy because the omnipresent electricity is invisible and disappears when toughed. Knowledge is needed and obtained in electrostatics laboratories and observatories. It is there where the next generation of gap filling scientists comes from. Therefore these handbooks contain DoIt Yourself (DIY) stuff to trigger youngsters on the subject, not by placing themselves above Nature as "scientists" do, but as movement, the Terrestrial Electrostatics Initiative.