?A thought-provoking read.' -- Financial Times 'Everybody in finance and wealth management should read this book - as soon as possible.' -- Alec Marsh, Spear's Magazine An insider's look into how Generation Z's focus on ethics, climate change and purpose will change capitalism forever. In the next ten years there will be an unprecedented wealth transfer from the so-called ?baby boomer' generation to the young. Never before will so much money - in housing, land, stocks and cash - be shifted so suddenly from one generation to the next, and never before does the next generation feel so differently about the future of the planet. As an investor in this new generation Ken Costa shows how environmental concerns and anxiety about equality and diversity are more than mere slogans; they are driving the future of the markets. So many issues stem from the financial gap between age groups - from cancel culture and fears about wokeness, to Generation Rent, protest movements and re-evaluations of history around subjects such as empire. Costa shows how we can build a more inclusive, purposeful capitalism, shifting focus away from the individual and more towards collaboration, compassion and community. This book shows us what the future of capitalism looks like, and demonstrates how boomers must work with the inspiring young, who see their mission not just to increase value for shareholders, but also to save the planet.
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