John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."Christianity in Western civilization is no longer see as a loving, kind, or generous religion.What has happened to us? When did the Church turn its back on 'whosoever'?Why has White supremacy and racism replace humility and loving-kindness in our faith? When did the GOP Elephant gain equal footing with the cross? When did the NRA and Christ Church become equal partners? The Author takes a long hard look at the Church's dereliction of its primary duty: lovingly sharing the gospel in spirit and truth. The book shines a bright light examining the great sins of the 21st-century Church; Wrath, Racism, Bigotry, Historical revisionism, greed, and indifference. Open your heart and look with humble eyes at where we have gone wrong and what issues must be repented of if we at all desire to accomplish Christ's Great Commission.