The Adventures of Ajale and His Friends is a book that is centred on the life of a ten-year-old boy named Ajale and his three friends, Menyinge, Meniake and Wangtuge. It explores how the boys under the leadership of Ajale navigate life in their small remote village in the central part of Africa. Driven by Ajale's curiosity and investigative instincts, the boys are determined to go the extra mile to unravel mysteries that beset their village which at times led them into dangerous situations. This includes solving the problem of theft in their village, rescuing Ajale's cousin, Bahki, from an arranged marriage, and saving the Ewang dance group from a sabotage attack. This book provides a captivating and thrilling insight into the lives of the four boys.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.