Before the white whale, before the legendary obsession that would consume him, Captain Ahab was just a boy with a heart big enough to conquer the oceans. But even then, his soul was a storm waiting to happen. In this gripping reimagining of the early years of Herman Melville's infamous sea captain, teenage Ahab falls for Gloria, a captivating and enigmatic young woman with secrets as dark as the depths of the sea. Swept away by her beauty and mystery, Ahab abandons his burgeoning career, his family's expectations, and even his sense of self to win her love. But Gloria's shameful betrayal cuts deeper than any harpoon. Devastated and humiliated, Ahab's love turns to fury-a fury not just for Gloria, but for God, fate, and the cruel universe that allowed such betrayal. His heartbreak becomes the ember of the fiery hatred that would one day drive him to the Pequod and the legendary pursuit of the uncatchable. The Adventures of Young Ahab is a haunting tale of first love, betrayal, and the origins of a man who would become one of literature's most tormented and relentless figures. For fans of Moby Dick, this is the untold story of the boy behind the legend.
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