Eleanor D. Kinney is an Emeritus Professor at Indiana University's Robert H. McKinney School of Law and one of the nation's leading experts on health law. She has served as a consultant to numerous health commissions, including President Clinton's Task Force for Health Care Reform. Her most recent book is Protecting American Health Care Consumers (2002).
1. Introduction
Part I. The Medicare Program: 2. The Medicare program, 3. The Medicare policy-making process and judicial review
4. Taming the growth in Medicare expenditures
5. Improving the quality of health care services
6. Curbing fraud and abuse in the Medicare program
Part II. The Affordable Care Act and the Medicare Program: 7. The Affordable Care Act
8. Improving the quality and efficiency of health care
9. Major initiative under Title III: value-based purchasing of health care services
10. Pilot programs for payment and quality reform under Title III
11. Title VI: improving transparency and program integrity
12. Major initiative under Title VI: the patient center research outcomes institute
Part III. The Future of Medicare in a Global Context: Lessons in Pragmatism: 13. The impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Medicare program
14. The historical foundations for public health coverage in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States
15. The health care systems of the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States
16. The United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States compared
17. Convergence on pragmatic health reform strategies for common problems
18. Entrepreneurship in health care