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Compared to paid working time, unpaid working time has received remarkably little attention in economic teaching and research. This is surprising since the time spent on unpaid labour is not only a scarce but also a very important economic resource. In this study, first, the determining factors of the allocation of time assigned to housework and child-care are analysed. A second objective is to assign a monetary value to the time spent on housework and child-care.
Trotz ihres wichtigen Beitrages zur Wohlfahrt einer Gesellschaft, wird die in Hausarbeit und Kinderbetreuung investierte Zeit in

Compared to paid working time, unpaid working time has received remarkably little attention in economic teaching and research. This is surprising since the time spent on unpaid labour is not only a scarce but also a very important economic resource. In this study, first, the determining factors of the allocation of time assigned to housework and child-care are analysed. A second objective is to assign a monetary value to the time spent on housework and child-care.

Trotz ihres wichtigen Beitrages zur Wohlfahrt einer Gesellschaft, wird die in Hausarbeit und Kinderbetreuung investierte Zeit in der Ökonomie wenig Beachtung geschenkt. In diesem Buch werden zwei Aspekte dieser Zeitallokation analysiert: einerseits werden die Zeitallokationsdeterminanten eruiert und andererseits wird der monetäre Wert dieser Zeit berechnet. Beide Aspekte werden aus einem theoretischen und empirischen Blickwinkel analysiert.

Zielgruppe: Universitäten, Gleichstellungsorganisationen, Gewerkschaften