At age 23 Steven Leunens, a young entrepreneur from Belgium, started his first company called Gamevibes. With this company he aimed to be the first in the field of competitive gaming within his country, and establish a sound foundation for future endeavours. The Antwerp eSports Festival is a 50,000 competitive gaming tournament in Antwerp, Belgium and the first step towards a professional background for eSports (electronic sports). This thesis explores one of the most daring opportunities within the gaming industry - a multibillion dollar market worldwide - called eSports. It explains the basics of the game and tells a tale of a young entrepreneur and his quest to build the largest gaming event Belgium has ever seen, despite all the problems he might face. It delivers some hard facts and statistics on where this new market is going to and what lies ahead and will give you an instant feeling you now know what it takes to tackle the wonderful world of competitive gaming.