Technology has greatly changed, and aviation practices have changed tremendously: some systems have disappeared, some are less important, and key technologies have emerged. Suitable for the advanced student pilot, this work explains the many systems of air navigation, from the basics of dead reckoning to the advanced "glass cockpit" EFIS systems.
Technology has greatly changed, and aviation practices have changed tremendously: some systems have disappeared, some are less important, and key technologies have emerged. Suitable for the advanced student pilot, this work explains the many systems of air navigation, from the basics of dead reckoning to the advanced "glass cockpit" EFIS systems.
Donald J. Clausing (San Francisco, CA) is a contributing writer for many aviation magazines, including Flying, Professional Pilot, AOPA Pilot, and Plane and Pilot. He is the author of three previous editions of the Aviator's Guide to Navigation.
Chapter 1. Pilotage and Dead Reckoning Chapter 2. VOR Navigation Fundamentals Chapter 3. Distance Measuring Equipment Chapter 4. VOR/DME Navigation Chapter 5. VOR/DME Area Navigation Chapter 6. NDB Navigation Chapter 7. Ground-Based Radar Navigation Chapter 8. Instrument Approaches Chapter 9. Principles of Global Navigation Chapter 10. Loran-C Navigation Chapter 11. Inertial Navigation Systems Chapter 12. Satellite Navigation Chapter 13. Long-Range and Overwater Navigation Chapter 14. Nonradar Navigation Chapter 15. Flight Management Systems Chapter 16. The Next Generation Air Navigation System APPENDIX A: DOCUMENT SOURCES APPENDIX B: AERONAUTICAL CHART SOURCES APPENDIX C: ABBREVIATIONS GLOSSARY INDEX