An extraordinary story unfolds in Boston's Back Bay, on a bitterly cold couple of days after Christmas, as a man in his sixties comes to Boston to fulfill a vision of healing children, most notably at Boston's St. Aloysius Hospital for Lost and Forgotten Children, where the most seriously ill orphans and forgotten children go, often to spend their final days. He is a man who has healed before in London, but rested on his healing powers until a powerful force, unknown to him, guides him to Boston. On the day after Christmas he magically heals a young woman struck by a car on Storrow Drive, as a sickly girl watches from her window. Taken aback, he delays his plans to heal the children for a day. The next morning he is sidetracked to Massachusetts Avenue, where some of the city's most destitute reside. Miracles and healing occur at a rapid rate. Word spreads. An iconic radio talk show host picks up the rumored miracles and jumps full steam ahead into the story, as many scream or scoff in protest at the possibilities of miracles in Boston. The healings continue, and the story and legend grow. People descend onto Massachusetts Avenue to find the healer. Rumors of his identity explode in confusion, hope and vivid imagination. Is he an angel, an alien, the Savior, an Atlantean King, a prophet? No one is sure. The radio talk show host fuels the fire. The man continues his march through Boston's subways, downtown, and parks. He searches deep inside himself to understand the unknown force. Is it the Holy Spirit, aliens, quantum physical happenings, Atlantean crystals? Is there a Portal to other parallel worlds or other parts of the Universe? Healings continue and the ensuing hysteria mounts. The city is locked down. The entire world watches, as rumors and hopes of the beginning of The Awakening sends the spirits and souls of men, and women and children of Boston and around the world into a rampant fervor. Tens of thousands pour onto the streets and into the parks of Boston's Back Bay looking for salvation, healing, love or just excitement. The man meets many colorful characters on his journey, who join him on his new march down the Charles River to the Back Bay. There sits St. Aloysius Hospital. Endearing children wait inside. Budding romances flourish on this incredible day. World religious and other leaders congregate in Boston to participate in the events of the extraordinary day. The world watches as the ensuing events unfold into a living history of biblical proportions. Let THE AWAKENING begin in BOSTON!
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