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'Using the nuanced and poetic language available to her, Chopin framed a part of female experience that had never before been acknowledged. The effect was explosive . . . Introducing this release of The Awakening has given me an opportunity to re-experience one of my life's important books . . . I still marvel at Chopin's realism, her impatience with conventional trappings, her arresting honesty' INTRODUCED BY BARBARA KINGSOLVER
'Incisive, brilliant and haunting' MAGGIE O'FARRELL
'This landmark feminist novel, first published in 1899, remains startlingly relevant' JUDY BLUME , Elle My

'Using the nuanced and poetic language available to her, Chopin framed a part of female experience that had never before been acknowledged. The effect was explosive . . . Introducing this release of The Awakening has given me an opportunity to re-experience one of my life's important books . . . I still marvel at Chopin's realism, her impatience with conventional trappings, her arresting honesty' INTRODUCED BY BARBARA KINGSOLVER

'Incisive, brilliant and haunting' MAGGIE O'FARRELL

'This landmark feminist novel, first published in 1899, remains startlingly relevant' JUDY BLUME , Elle My Life in Books

Over one long, languid summer Edna Pontellier, fettered by marriage and motherhood, becomes acquainted with Robert Lebrun. As the days shorten and the temperature begins to drop Edna succumbs to Robert's devotion. But in the thrall of this ever-strengthening desire Edna begins to realise the true extent of her psychological, social and sexual confinement and its devastating consequences for her future.

The Awakening is widely regarded as one of the forerunners of feminist literature alongside Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and Flaubert's Madame Bovary. First published in the United States in 1899, this radical novel sent shockwaves through American society and continues to speak to readers one hundred years later. This tender, brilliant, and seductive novel is as beautifully written as it is politically engaging.
Kate Chopin, geb. 1851 als Tochter irisch-kreolischer Eltern in St.Louis, Missouri, heiratete 1870 einen Plantagenbesitzer und zog nach New Orleans. Die Mutter von sechs Kindern begann auf Anraten eines befreundeten Arztes mit dem Schreiben. Ihre Erzählungen wurden in allen großen amerikanischen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht. Das Erscheinen ihres Romans 'Das Erwachen' löste im puritanischen Amerika einen Skandal aus, ihre schriftstellerische Karriere war beendet. Von der zeitgenössischen Kritik geächtet, starb Kate Chopin 1904.
The Awakening is not only one of the most important novels in the history of American women's writing, it is an acknowledged American masterpiece. Edna Pontellier is an American Emma Bovary, deeply dissatisfied by the restricted possibilities available to a middle-class white woman in the 1890s. Rejecting her society's sexual norms and seeking a more fulfilling life, she is eventually destroyed by the limitations she cannot overcome, but along the way Chopin offers a compelling portrait of female experience, one of the first of its kind. Recognized as being as important a literary protest against the treatment of women as Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper,' The Awakening is taught at universities and schools across the US, and is overdue for equal recognition outside of its native shores. It is great news that Canongate is bringing The Awakening to the British reading public at last SARAH CHURCHWELL