Deane JohnsonThe Best of Itasca
A Guide to Minnesota's Oldest State Park
Deane Johnson has been an active photographer since acquiring his first Canon FTb in 1976. He grew up in Grand Forks, ND, and has lived and traveled throughout northern Minnesota. Drawn to the lakes and woods of Park Rapids, MN, in 1980, he has lived there since then. A retired family physician, he was a founding member of the Jackpine Writers' Bloc, plays clarinet and saxophone, and was a co-owner of Beagle Books of Park Rapids with his wife, Jill. He was the photographer for Jill's book, "Little Minnesota: 100 Towns Around 100."
Best of Itasca!
* Headwaters of the Mississippi
* Jacob V. Brower Visitor Center
* Douglas Lodge
* Forest Inn
* Aiton Heights Fire Tower
* Picnic Grounds and Swimming Beach
* Wilderness Drive
* Boat Landing
* Hiking
Overview Map
A Guide to Itasca
* Planning Your Trip
* Lodging and Camping Options
* Activities at the Park
* Water Sports
* Winter Sports in Itasca
* Visiting Itasca with Children-and Pets!
* La Salle Lake State Recreation Area (SRA) and Scientific Natural Area
Trail Map
Hiking in Itasca
Cross-country Skiing in Itasca
A Guided Driving Tour of Itasca
Backcountry Camping at Itasca
Natural History
Itasca History
Modern History
Recommended Reading and Resources
Photo Credits
About the Author