Today,neurological disorders,neuromuscular disorders are very important in creating. Including neurological disorders, including Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS). Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) are a neuromuscular disorder that commonly causes a progressive neurodegenerative disease with X-linked inheritance, with the incidence in adulthood, the disease has three abnormal movements,cognitive disorders, psychological disorders known.Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) is caused by genetic mutations,but also epigenetic factors are critical in inducing the disease. In this study we have analyzed 40 people. 20 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) and 20 control group. The gene HPRT1 analyzed in terms of genetic mutation made. In this study,people who have genetic mutation were targeted, with nervous disorders, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS). In fact, of all people with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS). 20 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) had a genetic mutation in the gene HPRT1 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS). Any genetic mutations in the target genes control group, did not show.