George Angehr The Birds of Panama A Field Guide Illustrator: Dean, Robert
George Angehr The Birds of Panama A Field Guide Illustrator: Dean, Robert Jetzt bewerten Jetzt bewerten
The Birds of Panama will be an essential tool for the new generation of birders traveling in search of Panama's spectacular avifauna.
Map of Panama Introduction Anatomical Features Adult Vultures and Raptors in FlightSpecies Accounts and Illustrations Tinamous Ducks Curassows, Chachalacas & Guans Quails Grebes Shearwaters & Petrels Storm-Petrels Tropicbirds Boobies & Gannets Pelicans Albatrosses Cormorants Darters Frigatebirds Herons & Egrets Storks Ibises & Spoonbills New World Vultures Hawks, Eagles & Kites Falcons & Caracaras Sunbittern Rails, Gallinules & Coots Finfoots Limpkin Plovers & Lapwings Oystercatchers Stilts & Avocats Jacanas Sandpipers & Allies Gulls, Terns & Skimmers Skuas & Jaegers Pigeons & Doves Parrots Cuckoos Barn Owls Typical Owls Nightjars Potoos Oilbird Swifts Hummingbirds Trogons Motmots Kingfishers Puffbirds Jacamars Barbets & Toucans Woodpeckers Ovenbirds & Woodcreepers Typical Antbirds Antthrushes Gnateaters Antpittas Tapaculos Broadbills Tryant Flycatchers Becards, Tityra & Others Cotingas Manakins Vireos Sharpbill Crows & Jays Swallows Donocobins Wrens Dippers Gnatwrens & Gnatcatchers Thrushes Mockingbirds & Allies Pipis & Wagtails Waxwings Silky-flycatchers Wood-Warblers Tanagers Bananaquit Saltators Seedeaters, Finches & Sparrows Grosbeaks, Buntings & Allies Old World Sparrows New World Orioles & Blackbirds Goldfinches & EuphoniasAcknowledgments Appendix: Additional Species Glossary Checklist of the Birds of Panama Index of Common and Scientific Names About the Author and Illustrator