This publication enquires into the role and treatment of the body in the visual culture of contemporary China. What meanings are assigned to the body in artistic practice, what does it represent and what (hi)stories does it refer to? Considerable importance is ascribed to the body as a means of orientation and placement; as an arena and medium of social experience. 19 Chinese artists, theatre practitioners and theorists describe their personal experiences, put their thoughts and views up for discussion and explore how art can shed light on the individual and collective experiences that emerge in the wake of historical change and the anticipation of a newly won freedom.
"For patient and careful readers this collection of textual and visual materials will not only provide an inspiring and refreshing insight into contemporary Chinese art but also an invitation to rethink and reposition artistic production in a globalized world." Justyna Jaguscik, Asiatische Studien, 68/1 (2014)